An advanced version of SensoGlove the digital golf glove has been launched now featuring an ‘Automatic Sensitivity Selection’ button to provide an automatic, more accurate pressure reading for a consistently smooth and powerful golf swing.
The SensoGlove has a small, sweat-proof 1.2-inch LED digital monitor that analyses the pressure of the swing through highly responsive sensors placed throughout the glove. By swinging the golf club, SensoGlove provides real-time audio and visual feedback at 80 times per second to warn if target level grip pressure is being exceeded. The patented SensoGlove shows which fingers are gripping too tightly to adjust accordingly.
Made from cabretta leather, SensoGlove trains golfers to avoid bad habits and injury. All golfers can quickly learn how to hold the club, improving every part of their game. Right and left hand gloves are available for men and women in sizes small to x-large. Makers Sensosolutions says the SensoGlove makes the perfect Father’s Day gift for 15 June.
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