Provided to GOLF RETAILING exclusively, SPORTS MARKETING SURVEYS INC. senior manager Richard Payne reports on some of the latest data on trolley and bag usage to come from SMS INC.’s consumer surveys
In the bag
SPORTS MARKETING SURVEYS INC. has conducted research among more than 2,000 core golfers in the UK (‘core golfers’ being those who play at least 12 times a year), and results show that while 68.9 percent of UK golfers own a trolley bag, 54.8 percent claim to own a carry bag. This illustrates that many golfers own multiple golf bags.
77 percent of golfers under the age of 35 own a carry bag, compared to under 50% of those aged 50 and over, and in terms of handicap categories, only category one golfers are more likely to own a carry bag than a trolley bag. This indicates that the performance benefits promoted by trolley companies could still gain better traction among accomplished golfers.
Almost 60% of UK golfers have owned their current golf bag for three years or less, while 20% of category four golfers stated they had owned their bag for more than five years.
The average price paid for a carry bag was £93, compared to £99 for the average trolley bag.
87 percent of UK golfers use a trolley at least occasionally. Unsurprisingly, usage increases considerably with age, with just over 50% of under-35s using a trolley at least occasionally, compared to 95 percent of over-65s.
Electric trolleys are by far the trolley of choice amongst older golfers, although the three-wheel manual trolley is equally as popular among golfers under the age of 50. The average price paid for a three-wheel manual trolley was £144, compared to £317 for an electric trolley.
For further information from SPORTS MARKETING SURVEYS INC., contact Richard Payne:
T: 01932 345 539
E: Richard.payne@sportsmarketingsurveysinc.com