More ups than downs

    Performance in the golf industry is up by over 27 per cent thanks to price rises, with woods up 20 per cent in value and putters 13 per cent, reveal the team at Golf Datatech.


    April saw extremes both in terms of the weather and certain product groups. However the month overall was generally good with eight product groups in value terms showing growth on last year. These ranged from +2.8% for trolleys to +38.8% for putters. Those showing a decline were woods at -1.2%, wedges -2.0% and a staggering but not unexpected -40.4% for weatherwear. The latter most likely resulting from the continued dry weather, which in April turned in only 47% of the UK average rainfall. This too showed regional extremes with the North of England and Scotland receiving less than 1 mm while the west country received up to 50 mm of rain, mostly towards the end of the month.

    The year to date figures in value terms remain strong with ten product groups showing growth ranging from +0.9% for bags to +52.4% for putters. The only product group down was weatherwear at -14.4 %. Overall performance is up by 27.8% substantially driven by price increases. Typical examples are woods averaging £205.05 up by 20.6% over the last twelve months, putters now averaging £152.45 and up by 13.0% and shoes up by 6.2% to an average price point of £87.59.

    April’s picture in units remains very different to values but also shows some extremes. Six product groups show growth compared to the same period last year: trolleys (1.5%), shoes (11.0%), gloves (13.7%), balls (15.3%) apparel (20.0%) and putters (22.8%). Five product groups were down: bags (-0.6%), wedges (-7.3 %), irons (-7.4%), woods (-18.1%) and weatherwear (-39.2%).


    Thankfully the year to date unit sales remain encouraging with eight product group showing growth. These ranged from +4.6% for irons to +30.6% for putters. Those down were woods -2.7%, bags -10.2% and weatherwear – 10.5%. Overall performance is up by a very useful +20.9%.

    It is also interesting to look at some unit moving annual totals.

    • Balls gives a general indication as to the level of play

    • Shoes has always been a star performer and has shown steady growth for the last twelve months

    • Woods remain a major product group in value terms but has been on a slow decline in unit terms since 2012

    • Putters have shown steady growth for the last five months

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    Miles is the Owner and Managing Director of Robel Media, and the award winning GOLF RETAILING Magazine. With over 25 years in the media business, Miles has a wealth of experience in magazine publishing, digital media and live events. HANDICAP - 7.2