Re-evaluating your business practice and changing patterns of behaviour could lead to a more successful second half of the year, writes mind coach Karl Morris.
How is your year going? Is business better than last year, worse than last year or just about the same? Are you doing anything different than you were last year or has the day to day grind of life has taken over?
It is an interesting thing to consider for us all that once we get into a season we tend to go on to auto pilot. The days are busy, there are lots of people coming in and out of our lives, commitments to keep and lessons to fulfill. As I have talked about before the human brain loves to repeat patterns. We are a pattern making and repeating machine. We eat a lot of the same food in the same places, we have lots of similar conversations, we drive to work the same way and so it goes on and on.
None of this is a problem if we are creating successful patterns, but patterns tend to be both good and bad and often we can repeat the same patterns of failure until another season has gone by and we have achieved less than we could have done. With these issues in mind, in the past few years I have become ever more fascinated by the concept of reset.
In this instance reset can be classified as the ability to step back and reset your mind to better achieve your goals and targets. What do we tend to do with a computer when it misbehaves and doesn’t do what we want it to? If you are anything like me then the first port of call is to switch the thing off and reboot it. We reset the computer to get it back on the track that we want.
The obvious reset in football and rugby is half time, when one team goes into the changing room ahead and one team is behind. I have worked in rugby league for many years and it is amazing how the right words said in the right way at half time by a coach can completely alter the direction of a game. Momentum can shift dramatically and quickly. A change of attitude, a change of focus resets the collective brains of the team and a new momentum is created. With golf the obvious reset is after nine holes when a bad front nine can often be turned around on the back nine.
Often though in the game of golf getting to ‘the turn’ is often too late and the overall score for the day can be lost. In the mind factor seminars I do at clubs up and down the country I explain a slightly different concept of resetting with ‘super 6’. The idea behind this concept is that, instead of the golf course being two sets of nine holes, you are actually going to play six sets of three holes. This means that the player does as well as they can on each set of three and then, whatever the outcome of the last set of three, resets and moves on to the next set. This doesn’t work for everyone, but many golfers report back that breaking the round into smaller sets of ‘mini goals’ helps them keep bouncing back from the inevitable setbacks the game seems to positively enjoy throwing at us. The last set is over, so the only thing to do is to focus on the set of three directly in front of you.
Could it be worth having a reset at this point in your business year? As someone once said to me, ‘It is hard to see the system when you are in the system.’ We can so often get lost in our own busy days, one week rolling into another without really seeing what is happening. Taking a day out completely away from your business can be a great way to grow your business as you look with greater clarity at what is going on.
We cannot directly influence the economy or the weather but we do have the opportunity to influence the people around us and the people who walk through the door of our business. It is therefore worthwhile asking yourself the following three questions:
1) Could you do some things differently?
2) Could you host a different event at the club?
3) Could you get people interacting with your business in a way you haven’t tried before?
As I have said, it is tough to do things differently when you are full tilt ahead on auto pilot and at the busiest time of the year the hours can be extremely long and tiring. However, just give the concept of reset some consideration and if you feel you are one – nil down at the half time of your year then all isn’t lost; the possibility could be that you have a great second half and turn another ordinary year into a great one.