The 2013 LET Rookie of the Year and Solheim Cup player, Charley Hull, gives her view on women’s participation.
How did you first get involved in golf?
My Dad played golf so that got me interested and I wanted to play too. I had my first plastic club when I was about two years’ old and hit shots on a golf course when I was four.
Did you feel there were enough women golfing role models when you were growing up?
I don’t think there were many women I played with growing up, but it didn’t bother me as my Dad was a great role model
Do you think progress has been made in terms of ‘opening’ golf up to women?
Golf is definitely changing and modernising and part of this is more people playing which is great for the sport.
What advice would you give golf pros looking to attract more women clients?
I think it is important to be able to introduce someone, male or female to golf at any age. Learning at a young age got me hooked. I would also recommend learning with a friend to keep it fun and help each other along.
Have you ever experienced discrimination in golf?
No, not really. Sometimes people are surprised to see a girl playing but overall I have only had support.
How did you get involved with #ThisGirlGolfs?
I am an England Golf Ambassador and when they told me about the campaign it was something I wanted to be a part of.
Golf is a fun, competitive sport which is great to play with family and friends so I really hope more people get involved.
Images by Tristan Jones.