Whilst electric trolleys remain the company’s main focus, it has also recorded an impressive return on cart bags in 2017, with unit sales up by more than 10 per cent. PowaKaddy’s UK Sales Manager David Howse talks about exactly how PGA Professionals can maximise their cart bags sales.
We have seen a significant increase in the number of cart bags sold in recent years and arguably one of the key drivers of that has been the strong emphasis we and our retailers continue to place on the compatibility between a golf trolley and a cart bag. Whenever a golfer is buying an electric or push trolley, it’s vital they know the benefits of using a cart bag over a carry model.
For instance, every PowaKaddy cart bag incorporates a Key-Lock base which ensures the bag fits perfectly with every one of our trolley models and we always encourage stockists to demonstrate this point when discussing trolleys with their customers. Quite simply, a cart bag makes life a lot easier – the forward-facing pockets and features also ensure golfers have quick and easy access to their equipment or personal belongings.
Another recommendation we give to our trade partners is to position the bag on a PowaKaddy trolley when presenting in store. Our retailers have been doing a fantastic job on this front and many have gained simple up-sells from doing this. It’s also an easy way of showing your customers how simple it is to put the bag on and off the trolley. Accessory sales can also be enhanced by fitting them to the display trolley. As with any product in the retail sphere, prominent positioning is key too – often the customer can come in and out of the store and only see products in their direct eye line.
A bag isn’t just a bag anymore – that’s something we think golfers could be more aware of. We always encourage our retail partners to show the full range of bag options on offer, so they can better gauge what suits the customer’s needs. For instance, our latest range includes four different models, all of which can suit different golfers. The PowaKaddy Premium cart bag has traditionally been our most popular and tends to be a favourite amongst golfers seeking multiple features, while our Deluxe model offers a slightly sleeker option. The Lite bag is geared towards those looking for ultimate lightweight performance and our new waterproof Dri Edition should be presented as the perfect year-round bag that can cope with any type of weather condition.
Golfers are also becoming more and more focused on style and colour coordination when they take to the course. By offering more than one bag model and multiple colours, the retailer can allow those fashion-conscious golfers to choose from a wider range of options – so not only can they match it to their trolley, but also to their apparel and shoes too.
In terms of what the cold, hard facts show then the Premium and Dri Edition bags in the PowaKaddy range are very strong sellers and account for over 60 per cent of the brand’s bag sales. Their higher specifications and materials make them very attractive to the consumer. It’s further proof that the customer is willing to pay for a top-end, quality product that performs impeccably. In terms of the colour combinations that have sold well this year, the Black/Yellow and Black/Red models in the Premium range have had great success, whilst the Black/Yellow product in the Dri Edition family has also sold very well.